
October 25, 2018


SHEEP HERO (81mins) a documentary by director Ton van Zantvoort premieres – in Dutch competition – @ IDFA 2018

Shepherd Stijn has a romantic world view, but his idealism clashes with the harsh reality of having to be a modern entrepreneur. In this poignant and cinematic documentary we come close to Stijn and his family in their quest to keep the tradition of sheep herding alive. Will his struggle pay off or is he forced to go with the flock?

For more information about SHEEP HERO @ IDFA.

director Ton van Zantvoort  producers Ton van Zantvoort for NEWTON film  Marc Thelosen | Koert Davidse for seriousFilm  cinematography | editing Ton van Zantvoort  sound Iris van de Rijt | Olivier Nijs | Annerose Langeveld  sound design Jeroen Goeijers  music Roy Bemelmans  TV Channels Omroep Brabant | KRO-NCRV  world sales Films Transit International Inc  cinematic distribution for the Netherlands Windmill Film Distribution
this film was supported by the Dutch Cultural Media Fund | Netherlands Film Fund | Brabantse Beauties